Monday, August 1, 2011

Happier Meal

Hooray, McDonald's is re-vamping its Happy Meal on a more health-conscious level! Changes to the Happy Meal will start in September and include a downsize in the amount of french fries and choices of apple slices, carrot sticks, raisins and pineapple!

I'm ecstatic that McDonald's is finally getting serious about the food they serve to millions and millions of people every day. Many folks choose fast-food style restaurants because they're convenient, cheap, and taste good (due to high salt and fat contents). Unfortunately, this food directly contributes to many health disparities suffered by much of the Western population today. McDonald's has also agreed to tone down the sodium content by 15% in the next few years. I've been seeing billboards that say Mickey D's is using Michigan eggs as well. While I'm still not quite sure how to interpret that, it must be good for the mitten's economy anyhow.

I hope other popular fast-food chains jump on the wagon for healthier food options! This could be key to really starting to make a dent in America's obesity epidemic.

1 comment:

  1. nice info..thanks for sharing...
