Thursday, January 6, 2011

Does anybody like Brussels sprouts as much as I do?

Here's a superfood for you: Brussels sprouts. Some people don't like their bitter taste or their funky smell when they're boiled, but they are among the most nutrient-packed foods out there. And when prepared the right way, they're fantastic. Trust me.

Reasons Brussels sprouts are great for you:
1. They lower cholesterol.
2. They produce cancer-protecting chemicals in your body.
3. They protect thyroid function (the thyroid controls the types and amounts of hormones secreted in your body).
4. 1 serving of Brussels sprouts has 273% of  the daily value of Vitamin K. This vitamin helps your blood to clot normally, your bones to stay strong, and keeps your arteries from calcifying.
5. 1 serving of Brussels sprouts has 161% of the daily value of Vitamin C, important for maintaining immune health, proper wound healing, and regulating metabolism.
6. They also provide hearty amounts of folate, Vitamin A, manganese, potassium, Vitamins B1 and B6, omega 3 fatty acids, and iron.
7. They have antioxidant properties.

Am I making you hungry??? Good, because here's an easy recipe for cooking up some Brussels for dinner tonight.

Brussels sprouts with Mustard Glaze

About 4 cups Brussels sprouts
3 tbsp packed brown sugar
2 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp mustard

Before you start, be sure to remove the outer leaves from the bigger sprouts. Wash well and drain the sprouts, then cut in half. Place them in a large frying pan with about 1/4 cup of water. Cover the pan, steam the sprouts on medium heat for about 5 minutes, or until tender (and bright green!). Drain the sprouts of leftover water.

While the sprouts are steaming, whisk together other 3 ingredients in a small bowl. Nuke the bowl in the microwave for a few seconds to heat it up, then pour over the sprouts after they are drained. Makes about 4 servings. YUM.

I  put a little minced garlic in mine for a little more flavor. Keep in mind, you can steam lots of other vegetables like this and use the same glaze: carrots, broccoli, cabbage, green beans.......

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