Monday, February 28, 2011

Have some yogurt with your granola.

I made the granola recipe posted below this weekend, and it is pretty incredible. I used dried cherries and dried figs instead of the blueberries and cranberries because that's what I had on hand. SO delicious! I really recommend this recipe if you like granola AT ALL. It makes a big batch so you're covered for quite a while.

My favorite way to eat granola is with yogurt, and as it turns out, yogurt is a superfood that everyone should be eating regularly. Let me tell you WHY:

-Yogurt has active bacteria in it. Sounds gross, but the bacteria does a lot of good deeds in your tummy. It helps your digestive tract keep all its other bacteria (called microflora) in a good balance and resistant to infection.


-Yogurt helps with digestion and immune function.

-Yogurt is a great source of animal protein, calcium, vitamins B2 and B12, potassium, and magnesium.

-Yogurt can help prevent osteoporosis, lower high blood pressure, discourage vaginal infections (yogurt helps maintain the vaginal pH at a normal 6.0 level).

-Yogurt is one of those foods that makes you feel fuller. At about 100-150 calories per 6 oz container, it is a great snack to tie you over until the next meal.

A regular intake of yogurt is a great idea if you are looking for some extra calcium or protein, or if you're trying to solve your digestive issues, or if you're trying to ward off sickness for the rest of the cold season (or any season!).

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